About DSO

We Provide Best Patient's Care & Amenities

At Mils & Cols - Doctors Second Opinion, we believe in the power of informed decisions, especially when it comes to your health. As India and Asia's leading healthcare provider, with over 40 years of experience and a legacy built on clinical excellence, affordability, and cutting-edge technology, we understand the critical role Doctors Second Opinions play in empowering patients

  • Seamless Care
  • Warm and Welcoming Environment
  • Comprehensive Care
  • Expert Doctors
  • Patient-Centered Care
  • Personalized Approach
  • Cutting-Edge Technology
  • Positive Reviews







Fill up the minimum information with the patient's details. Upload the relevant test results, Images and reports.


After requesting a Second Opinion, make the payment online via Credit Card, Google Pay, Paytm, or UPI.

Case Review

Our expert team will review your reports and provide professional opinions and advice.

Second Opinion

Receive your Second Opinion Report via E-mail & WhatsApp within a few days after record collection.

Expert Doctors You Can Trust for a Second Opinion

Dr. Jayesh Bhaskaran

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Sajid Younis

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Asish Kumar M

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Ali Faizal

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Anu Padmanabhan

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Malik Manzar

Senior Consultant & Head - Medical Oncology

Dr. Faheem Ahmed Abdulla

Consultant - Surgical Oncology

Dr. Salim VP

Senior Consultant - Surgical Oncology

Dr. Sajith Babu T P

Senior Consultant - Head & Neck Oncology

Dr. KV Gangadharan

Senior Consultant & Head - Medical Oncology

Dr. Aditya Shenoy

Sr. Consultant Urologist Education & Training

Dr. Vineeth K Adiyodi

Consultant Urologist Education & Training

Dr. T K Unnikrishnan

Sr.Consultant Urologist & Laproscopic Surgeon

Dr. Felix Cardoza

Sr. Consultant Urologist & Head Renal Transplant Unit Former HOD, Dept of URO, Calicut Medical College

Dr. T Sreedharan Unni

Medical Superintendent of Malabar Hospitals Sr. Consultant Urologist & Andrologist

Dr. Sunil Rajendran

Senior Consultant - Vascular & Endovascular Surgery

Dr. Jayesh Bhaskaran

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Sajid Younis

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Asish Kumar M

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Ali Faizal

Sr Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Shon Philip

Senior Specialist - Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Visal V

Consultant - Critical Care

Dr. Gangaprasad G

Critical Care Medicine Associate Director - Aster North Kerala Cluster (Critical Care)

Dr. Anoop Kumar A S

MD - CAPP( Calicut Acute care Providers Pvt. Ltd), Director - Aster North Kerala Cluster (Critical Care)

Dr. Anu Padmanabhan

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr. P.N. Suresh Kumar

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Daisy Thomas

Sr Consultant Dermatologist

Dr. Nimitha P

Consultant Dermatologist

Dr. Prithvi Chandrakanth

(Former Fellow & Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore)

Dr. K.S. Chandrakanth

Chief Consultant Eye Surgeon
(Former Senior Consultant Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai)

Dr. Ajit Kumar Pati

Senior Consultant
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Kader Kalathingal

Senior Consultant
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Krishna Kumar K S

Senior Consultant & Chief
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Denny Jacob Samson

Consultant General, Laparoscopic and Laser Surgeon

Our Associated Hospitals


When a Second Opinion be beneficial?


Serious Diagnosis

If you've recently been diagnosed with a serious medical condition, a second opinion can provide reassurance or identify alternative treatment options.


Complex Procedures

If you're considering a major surgery or complex procedure, a second opinion can help you understand the risks and benefits more fully.


Risky Treatments

If a proposed treatment carries significant risks or potential side effects, a second opinion can help you weigh the pros and cons.


Declining Health

If you're experiencing a sudden or unexplained decline in your health, a second opinion can help identify the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatment.


Confusion or Uncertainty

If you're feeling confused or overwhelmed by your medical situation, a second opinion can clarify and help you make informed decisions.


Pre-Surgery Preparation

Before undergoing surgery, a second opinion can help you feel more confident and prepared for the procedure.